Moteur de recherche
dans les décisions
de la Juridiction unifiée du brevet

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Cette base de données privée, maintenue par Pierre Véron, met gracieusement à votre disposition les décisions rendues publiques par la Juridiction unifiée du brevet depuis son entrée en activité le 1er juin 2023 et un moteur de recherche pour les explorer.

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701 résultats trouvés

Numéro de l'affaire
Numéro de registre
Numéro de la décision ou de l'ordonnance
Type d'action
Juridiction - Division
Langue de procédure
Mots clés
Date Parties Numéro de l'affaire Numéro de registre Numéro de la décision ou de l'ordonnance Type d'action Juridiction - Division Langue de procédure Details Sommaire Mots clés Documents
21/08/2024 Microsoft Corporation v. Suinno Mobile & AI Technologies Licensing Oy UPC_CoA_454/2024 APL_44552/2024 ORD_45292/2024 Request for a discretionary review (RoP 220.3) Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) English    
21/08/2024 Magna International France, SARL, Magna PT B.V. & Co. KG, Magna PT s.r.o. v. Valeo Electrification UPC_CFI_347/2024 App_46219/2024 ORD_46902/2024 Application RoP262A Court of First Instance - Düsseldorf (DE) Local Division English   other proceedings, Confidentiality, PI proceedings, R. 262A RoP
21/08/2024 Ballinno v. KINEXON SPORTS & MEDIA UPC-CFI 230/2024 App_43845/2024 ORD_43896/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Paris (FR) Central Division - Seat English An appeal against the denial of provisional measures does generally not justify a stay of revocation proceedings pursuant to Rule 295(m) RoP. Rule 295(m) RoP must be applied and interpreted in accordance with the principle according to which proceedings must be conducted in a way which will normally allow the final oral hearing at first instance to take place within one year. Rule 295(m)
21/08/2024 AYLO FREESITES LTD, AYLO PREMIUM LTD, AYLO Billing Limited v. DISH Technologies, Sling TV L.L.C UPC_CoA_469/2024 App_47039/2024 ORD_48195/2024 Generic application Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) German    
20/08/2024 SMIS INTERNATIONAL OÜ, VAB-LOGISTIK, UAB, MERIL LIFE SCIENCES PVT LIMITED, SORMEDICA, UAB, MERIL GMBH, INTERLUX, UAB UPC_CFI_380/2023 App_14061/2024 ORD_14940/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Nordic Baltic Regional Division English    
20/08/2024 MERIL LIFE SCIENCES PVT LIMITED, INTERLUX, UAB, SMIS INTERNATIONAL OÜ, MERIL GMBH, SORMEDICA, UAB, VAB-LOGISTIK, UAB UPC_CFI_380/2023 App_14299/2024 ORD_16663/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Nordic Baltic Regional Division English    
19/08/2024 Sibio Technology Limited, Umedwings Netherlands B.V. v. Abbott Diabetes Care Inc. UPC_CoA_388/2024 ORD_47551/2024 ORD_47551/2024 Generic Order Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) English    
16/08/2024 Arvato Netherlands B.V., Digital River Ireland Ltd., ASUSTek Computer Inc. v. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson UPC_CFI_317/2024 ORD_46326/2024 ORD_46326/2024 Generic Order Court of First Instance - Lisbon (PT) Local Division English 1. R. 13.1(h) RoP requires the indication of the actions before other courts or authorities related to the patent for the Court to assess their relevance within the UPC proceedings. 2. The examination to be made by the Registry according to R. 16.2 and 13.1(h) RoP is formal: whether any information at all has been provided. The Registry has no obligation to verify that the information provided is correct. 3. R. 13.1(h) RoP does not provide legal support for requesting that the Applicant submits to the proceedings copies of all prior art relied on in all of the related proceedings, together with pleadings, statements of case, and expert reports from such proceedings. Compliance, R. 13.1(h) RoP
16/08/2024 Edwards Lifesciences Corporation v Meril Gmbh, Meril Life Sciences Pvt Ltd, Smis, Sormedica UPC_CFI_8/2023 App_43606/2024 ORD_44404/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Nordic Baltic Regional Division English    
13/08/2024 Network System Technologies v. Texas Instruments, Volkswagen, AUDI UPC_CFI_513/2023 App_39047/2024 ORD_39075/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division English Rule 265 RoP also applies if the action is not withdrawn in its entirety, but only in relation to some of several defendants (partial subjective withdrawal of action). Withdrawal of action
12/08/2024 DMV industrijski kontrolni sistemi v. SWARCO Futurit Verkehrssignalsysteme & STRABAG Infrastructure & Safety Solutions UPC_CFI_33/2024 App_36807/2024 ORD_39223/2024 Application RoP262.1 (b) Court of First Instance - Vienna (AT) Local Division German    
12/08/2024 Seoul Semiconductor v. Amazon Services Europe UPC_CFI_281/2024 App_44885/2024 ORD_45092/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Düsseldorf (DE) Local Division German Die Rücknahme der Klage wird zugelassen. Zulassung, Rücknahme der Klage, Rückzahlung Gerichtsgebühren, Beendigung Verfahren
09/08/2024 AGFA NV vs. Gucci UPC_CFI_278/2023 App_39127/2024 ORD_39257/2024 Application RoP262A Court of First Instance - Hamburg (DE) Local Division English    
09/08/2024 Aiko Energy Germany GmbH v. Maxeon Solar Pte. Ltd UPC_CFI_122/2024 App_39077/2024 ORD_39433/2024 Revocation Action Court of First Instance - Paris (FR) Central Division - Seat English Rule 265 Withdrawal
08/08/2024 Curio Bioscience Inc. v. 10x Genomics, Inc. UPC_CFI_140/2024 App_41690/2024 ORD_42284/2024 Application RoP262A Court of First Instance - Düsseldorf (DE) Local Division English   confidentiality club, summary proceedings, proceedings on the merits, confidentiality order, access of representatives
08/08/2024 Alexion v. Amgen UPC_CoA_405/2024 App_44530/2024 ORD_44709/2024 Generic application Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) English    
06/08/2024 Panasonic Holdings Corporation v. Xiaomi Technology France S.A.S., Xiaomi Technology Netherlands B.V., Shamrock Mobile GmbH, Xiaomi Technology Italy S.R.L., Xiaomi Technology Germany GmbH, Odiporo GmbH EPG_CoA_86/2024 APL_10370/2024 ORD_34249/2024 Appeal RoP220.2 Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) German Einer beklagten Gesellschaft in China oder Hongkong kann eine Klageschrift nicht ohne weiteres über eine Gesellschaft desselben Konzerns in einem Vertragsmitgliedstaat zugestellt werden. Eine solche Konzerngesellschaft kann weder zwangsläufig als satzungsmäßiger Sitz, Hauptverwaltung oder Hauptniederlassung angesehen werden, noch als Ort, an dem die Gesellschaft einen dauerhaften oder vorübergehenden Geschäftssitz gemäß R.271.5(a) VerfO hat. Zustellungsversuche in China nach dem Haager Zustellungsübereinkommen gemäß R.274.1(a)(ii) VerfO müssen in der Regel erfolgen, bevor die Zustellung nach dem Recht des Staates, in dem die Zustellung erfolgen soll (R.274.1(b) VerfO) oder durch alternative Verfahren oder an einem alternativen Ort (R.275 VerfO) zulässig ist. Verordnung (EU) 2020/1784, Haager Zustellungsübereinkommen, Zustellung außerhalb der Vertragsmitgliedstaaten, Zustellung, Verordnung (EU) 2020/1784, Haager Zustellungsübereinkommen, Zustellung außerhalb der Vertragsmitgliedstaaten
06/08/2024 10x Genomics, Inc., President and Fellows of Harvard College UPC_CoA_335/2024 App_22399/2024 ORD_27444/2024 Generic application Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) German    
06/08/2024 Nera Innovations Ltd. v. Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd., Xiaomi Inc., Xiaomi Technology Netherlands B.V., Xiaomi Technology Germany GmbH UPC_CoA_205/2024 APL_24585/2024 ORD_34253/2024 Appeal RoP220.2 Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) German Einer beklagten Gesellschaft in China kann eine Klageschrift nicht ohne weiteres über eine Gesellschaft desselben Konzerns in einem Vertragsmitgliedstaat zugestellt werden. Eine solche Konzerngesellschaft kann weder zwangsläufig als satzungsmäßiger Sitz, Hauptverwaltung oder Hauptniederlassung einer beklagten Gesellschaft in China angesehen werden, noch als Ort, an dem die beklagte Gesellschaft einen dauerhaften oder vorübergehenden Geschäftssitz hat. Zustellungsversuche in China nach dem Haager Zustellungsübereinkommen gemäß R.274.1(a)(ii) VerfO müssen in der Regel erfolgen, bevor die Zustellung nach dem Recht des Staates, in dem die Zustellung erfolgen soll (R.274.1(b) VerfO) oder durch alternative Verfahren oder an einem alternativen Ort (R.275 VerfO) zulässig ist. Zustellung, Verordnung (EU) 2020/1784, Haager Zustellungsübereinkommen, Zustellung außerhalb der Vertragsmitgliedstaaten
06/08/2024 Daedalus Prime LLC v. Xiaomi Inc., Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd., Xiaomi Technology Netherlands B.V., MediaTek Inc. (Headquarters), Xiaomi Technology Germany GmbH UPC_CoA_183/2024 APL_21602/2024 ORD_34252/2024 Appeal RoP220.2 Court of Appeal - Luxembourg (LU) English - A defendant company in China or Taiwan cannot, as a starting point, be served a Statement of claim via a company within the same group in a Contracting Member State. Such a group company cannot automatically be seen as a statutory seat, central administration or principal place of business of a defendant company in China or Taiwan, nor a place where such defendant has a permanent or temporary place of business. - Attempts to serve in China by any method provided for by the Hague Convention pursuant to R.274.1(a)(ii) RoP shall normally be made before service permitted by the law of the state where service is to be effected (R.274.1(b) RoP) or by alternative methods or at an alternative place (R.275 RoP) is permitted. Similarly, attempts to serve in Taiwan by diplomatic or consular channels pursuant to R.274.1(a)(iii) shall be made. Service, Regulation (EU) 2020/1784, the Hague Convention, Service outside the Contracting Member States
06/08/2024 Motorola Mobility v. Ericsson, Ericsson GmbH UPC_CFI_42/2024 App_25265/2024 ORD_27411/2024 Amend Document Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division English The conditions set out in Rule 263 of the Rules of Procedure for granting leave to amend are not met. The application must therefore be rejected. Rule 263 RoP
06/08/2024 Manfred Sauer GmbH v. Qufora A/S UPC_CFI_67/2024 App_33560/2024 ORD_40041/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division English 1. Whether a waiver of the translation of exhibits into the language of the proceedings pursuant to Art. 51 (1) UPCA is appropriate is always a question of the individual case. 2. A comprehensive balancing of interests must take place. In particular, the language skills of the parties and their representatives and the language skills of the panel must be taken into account. The volume, the length or the quantity and the nature of the documents in question and their relevance to the proceedings is also of relevance. Other aspects may also be relevant in individual cases. language of proceedings, Rule 7 (1) RoP, Art. 51 UPCA, translation
06/08/2024 Motorola Mobility v. Ericsson, Ericsson GmbH UPC_CFI_41/2024 App_25259/2024 ORD_25797/2024 Amend Document Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division English The conditions set out in Rule 263 of the Rules of Procedure for granting leave to amend are not met. The application must therefore be rejected. leave to amend, Rule 263 RoP
06/08/2024 Orbisk B.V. v. Winnow Solutions Limited UPC_CFI_327/2024 App_44803/2024 ORD_45347/2024 Generic application Court of First Instance - The Hague (NL) Local Division English    
06/08/2024 NEC Corporation v. TCT UPC_CFI_498/2023 ORD_44084/2024 ORD_44084/2024 Generic Order Court of First Instance - Munich (DE) Local Division English A written statement by the party can be proof of service. service of documents
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